What Do Crystals Have to Do With the Cycles of the Moon?


More and more we are starting to see our favorite influencers post about the new or full moon, along with some meditation, intention setting, or crystal cleansing that goes along with their ritual for the astrological alignment of that day. But what is it really all about and what do crystals actually have to do with the moon? 

The connection is really both more simple and more vast than one might originally think. Due to the fact that crystals are made up of unique minerals from the earth, it only makes sense that they would be directly related and highly affected by the energy of the moon. Scientists prove time and time again that the earth and the moon are not only closely connected by very much dependent on one another, so why would a small segment from the earth, a crystal, be any different? 

What is this moon crystal cleansing all about? 

During the Full Moon, it is the perfect time to cleanse and recharge your crystals because the moon is harnessing the most energy that particular evening. Crystal cleansing and charging can be done in a variety of ways but our favorite is to rinse your crystals in some purified water and then lay them out beneath the moonlight. If you’d rather not leave them outdoors then you can place them near a window seal, ideally one that gets a glimmer of the moon. While placing your crystals in a safe place outside or near a window, you might want to speak intentions out loud because they will absorb them and be supercharged in the moon. When you wake up the next day, bring your crystals inside and place them back in their place. Since crystals are mineral-filled they will have fresh, clean, and intention-filled energy that will literally shine. 

So what if you miss the exact date or have plans during these two special nights each month? No worries! This crystal ritual can be done anytime during the shadow phase of the moon, so as a rule that is 3 days before or 3 days after the new or full moon dates of each month. 

How can the moon days be so special if they happen each and every month? 

Each month, there is a new moon and a full moon, so yes they do happen pretty regularly, however, as with anything, there are expectations to that rule. For example, this month (October 2020) we have two full moons that are unique and rare, so the second one becomes a Super Moon. A super moon happens when the moon is closer to the earth’s atmosphere therefore it looks a little larger and brighter than the typical full moon. There are many variations that make many Full moons or New Moons special but the most easily understood is that for each Moon, it correlates with a specific astrological sign, which is really just another way to explain specific universal energies that we humans experience as a collective. 

For example, this month, on October 16th, we had a New Moon in Libra. This collective energy gave the possibility for each of us to tap into the feelings of balance and gratitude. Of course, not everyone is conscious of this collective energy, but if you pay attention and give yourself a little time to get still and reflect around these few nights each month, each and every one of us has the ability to tap into it! 

What’s the difference between the New Moon and Full Moon? 

The New Moon is when the sky is at its darkest point in the sky. This is a time to reflect on the dark or the unknown. During a New Moon, it is a time to get very clear on your intentions for the month and what goals you would like to work on for the next 28 days until the harvest of the Full Moon. 

The Full Moon occurs when the sun and the moon are directly opposite from one another and there is the most light and energy in the universal atmosphere. This is the best time to cleanse your crystals and to let go of anything that is no longer serving you for that season. At this time, we are able to reap our rewards from the intentions we set during the New Moon (or not) and refocusing on getting back on track or revising our plan to continue onward to our goals. But keep in mind, the goals we set during the New Moon often don’t come anywhere close to fruition until the Full Moon in that exact same sign. For example, this month we had the New Moon in Libra, so those intentions should be revisited at the Full Moon in Libra on March 28th, 2021. 

October 31st is a Super Blue Moon. WTF does that mean?! 

This weekend, on October 31st there is a Blue Full Super Moon, and it is extra significant because it is the first time there has been a full moon on Halloween in 76 years. Not only is it a Super Moon because it is the second Full Moon of the month, but it is also called a Blue Moon because it is the third of four Full Moons in a single season. This term was created by ancient farmers who really relied on the Moon for signs of seasonal significance to their crops. 

This Super Blue Moon is in the sign of Taurus. This is the ideal time to release any habits and energy around being stubborn, a very classic Taurus trait. Taurus energy also loves to indulge in the comforts and luxurious aspects of life so this is a great time to make a nice meal for yourself and focus on what you need to let go of in order to become your most abundant self. Taurus loves all things pleasurable, so use tactics that you enjoy to entice yourself to transform. Oh and like it or not, Taurus rules personal finances, so now is an ideal time to get all of that straight before the holiday season approaches.

Remember, each Full Moon correlates with the New Moon in the same sign that happened most recently, so try to think back to things you were dealing with or goals you were working toward on April 22, 2020, reflect to see what progress has been made or what changes might need to be implemented now in order to capitalize on closing out that period of energy in the most positive way possible. 


Posted 10.28.20