My Love Story With Crystals & The Launch of The Cristalline


I can’t believe The Cristalline has been around for nearly 7 years! And since we have so many new Crystal Insiders, I wanted to take this opportunity to reintroduce myself on a more personal level. 

I am Rashia Bell, and I have been drawn to crystals for as long as I can remember. I played with gemstones throughout my childhood but never realized the significance or the emotional connection that I was receiving from the unique combination of minerals inside of each stone. Along with my childhood passion for stones and jewelry, Dance was my passion. I trained professionally until I got injured and while this was deeply upsetting, I can now see in hindsight that I was being ultimately sent towards a trajectory that incorporated crystals more into my life. 

When I was pushed to dive into another career after dance, I subconsciously was attracted to working with crystals and gemstones again. Whether it was when I was working in fine jewelry product development, consulting for jewelry designers, or working in high-end design it was always there. I didn’t realize the innate attraction to crystals overall until I started diving deeper into my own personal wellness practice after I became an Interior Designer, and found that holding a crystal was the best way for me to quiet my mind so that I could meditate. This was a GAME CHANGER for me, and this was the moment where my conscious awareness and my subconscious aligned to remind me of how much support the minerals that makeup crystals meant to me.

All Paths Lead Back To Crystals 

As a former dancer, my connection to my physical body has always been very strong. Once I was finally able to meditate with the help of holding on to crystals, I was also able to begin to incorporate more movement into my life again. It was something that I had avoided for some time since my career crushing injury.  I trained as one of the first teachers of The Class and crystals supported me along the way. If anyone is familiar, you know it is a very tough physical experience but it is also very emotionally and mentally transformative.

As an instructor, I would bring crystals into the room to help support not only myself but also the students. That’s how we came to create a home for their brand and lead to our Interior Design practice of actually putting crystals under the floors of projects. I teamed up with a friend and fellow interior designer Elizabeth Kohn.  Each project at The Cristalline often incorporates a custom blend of stones worked in to support both the design, space, and its inhabitants. 

The Cristalline Was Born 

Elizabeth and I had created this energetic space from our hearts, but we didn’t even have a business name when we learned early in the project that Vogue wanted to write about. I basically came up with The Cristalline on the spot and the rest is history! The years have flown and the brand and company have evolved, and since then I have led retreats all over the world offering private and group crystal readings and collaborated with huge brands like Carbon38 for specialty collections that share the energetic benefits of crystals. 

Today, I can clearly see why I was guided away from dance, through the luxury fashion industry (working with gemstones) and then to end up diving into courses in meditation and crystal healings. I get so much fulfillment when I can help others find more peace, inspiration, or clarity through our personal sessions or through helping them energetically curate their space. 

On the design side of the business, one of my favorite things to this day is creating special energetic cures in private residences and businesses that support someone’s goals and desires. At the Four Seasons in Philadelphia, we were called on to create a more energetically supportive and unique setting for their spa so I embedded crystals into the walls and floors so each of their treatment rooms supported a specific chakra. When clients visit for their service they say they get so much more than the bodywork because they can feel the significant energy amplifications from simply spending a bit of time in the space. It’s in the way that they feel so great in a space through all of their senses but they can’t put their finger on how or why.

How Can Crystals Change So Much? 

Crystals have a variety of supportive qualities.  They can be used for everything from cleansing and harmonizing energy to stabilizing and strengthening. How we feel within our body affects how we move throughout our day and experience people and things around us. They can be a useful tool for helping us connect to the needs of our inner-selves.

When we launched nearly seven years ago it was a unique time as it felt like it was the early stages of people exploring a multitude of healing modalities. People may not have understood it, but they were definitely intrigued. As time has gone on people have cultivated deeper personal mindfulness practices, and so our work has been understood as a natural extension of it.

7 Years Later… 

Today at The Cristalline, we sell curated crystals from all over the world. I provide virtual crystal sessions for clients who seek more self-love, deeper relaxation, personal peace, better sleep, or even those looking for guidance for huge life changes. Our work has grown and expanded as a direct result of the increasingly hectic and over-stimulated nature of the technological world that we experience each day. It has forced people to strip things down and be willing to go within to find some balance and level of understanding. Throughout my journey, I have found that so many answers are waiting for us to get quiet and look inside. Therefore, this spring, I am launching a new online program to help others connect with their own intuition and gain more confidence in trusting themselves. 

EXPERIENCE Crystal Healing EXPERIENCE Energetic Design

Click on each image above to purchase directly.

My Goal for 2021 is to better get to know & Support you!

The best way to create community with us at The Cristalline is on our social media (for now… we are currently working on a whole community interface for you that will launch in the Spring).

But head over to Instagram, and let me know how you discovered crystals and how you use them to help support your life. I am also making it a point to share more about myself and get to know you better too! On the gram, we can chat about what we are all experiencing and I can do my best to offer tips and tricks that have helped me.

I’m so excited to connect with you more in 2021! We have some fun surprises in store for you! 

Posted 1.29.21